A human organ is removed from one person’s body and inserted into the recipient’s body during organ transplantation. For people with health concerns brought on by damaged or missing organs, this medical procedure is beneficial.
Transplants are typically performed on organs such as the kidney, liver, heart, and lungs, among many others. Medical technology advancements have made it possible to replace malfunctioning internal organs with ones that are functional but at a cost. This cost typically takes the shape of the procedure’s risks and complications. Furthermore, from the standpoint of financial costs, organ transplants can cost anywhere between Rs. 5 lakh and Rs. 20 lakh.
Let’s now look at the primary costs that would be associated with the organ transplant procedure.
- Costs associated with organ screening – Before the patient is admitted to the hospital for the actual organ transplant, the correct organ must be identified. Finding the best organ for transplantation requires a lot of money and consideration of a big number of parameters.
- Costs prior to hospitalisation – Once the recipient of the appropriate organ is identified, the patient having the transplant must be brought to the proper medical state using certain medications. Pre-hospitalization costs will cover this exercise’s expense.
- Expenses during hospitalisation – Hospitalization expenses include the costs of the room as well as the salaries of the doctors and nurses.
- Expenses for the organ transplant surgery – Costs associated with the actual surgery for the organ transplant, which covers both the surgery itself and the surgeon’s fees.
- Costs associated with monitoring and post-operative hospitalisation – The recipient and the donor would be monitored following surgery, and their conditions would be tracked.
- Costs associated with correcting post-surgery complications – Post-surgery complications are rather common, and correcting them can be time-consuming and expensive.
The costs listed above are the fundamental elements of a health insurance plan that covers organ transplants. However, the majority of health insurance companies would have some limitations and would mostly pay hospitalisation costs.
Critical Illness Insurance
Your health insurance plans for families will offer health insurance benefits for unexpected events like accidents or illnesses that require hospitalisation. However, several life-threatening conditions, such as cancer, kidney failure, paralysis, and heart transplants, are not covered by basic health insurance plans. You must have a separate financial reserve known as critical sickness insurance for certain conditions, and one such critical health condition can be the requirement for an organ transplant.
It is necessary to perform intricate and expensive medical treatments during organ transplantation. A critical illness insurance plan
, which provides a lump sum payment after diagnosing the need for organ transplant surgery, would be your saviour in such extraordinary circumstances.
This one-time payment would add to your current basic health insurance plan. The lump sum received might be used for postoperative care and treatment, to cover recovery costs, or to compensate for lost income.
A critical illness plan can also assist you in claiming Section 80D tax benefits. **
** Tax benefit is subject to change in prevalent tax laws
Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.